African Management Development Institutes’ Network 3rd General Assembly
Date: 01 March 2024Venue: Kenya School of Government, Nyerere Avenue, Mombasa, Kenya
Date: 01 March 2024Venue: Kenya School of Government, Nyerere Avenue, Mombasa, Kenya
Capacity Building Seminar on the use of the State Parties Assessment Tool (SPAT) held on 18 – 20 October 2021 Maseru, Kingdom of Lesotho
The Khaedu Liberia Africa certificate ceremony held on 12 November 2019 at the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) Khaedu Liberia certificate recipients
The Nigeria Khaedu Training took place on 02-13 September 2019. The training was facilitated by Ms Gloria Mothibi from the Department of National School of Government, South Africa.
The Khaedu Liberia Training took place on 28 August to 6 September 2019. The training was facilitated by Mr Deon Bloemstein from the Department of National School of Government, South Africa.
Project Khaedu Africa five day training held in Kinshasa ,Democratic Republic of Congo. The training was Facilitated by Dr Bavon Mupenda from 15– 26 July 2019 .
The African Governance (AfGOV) Pilot for African Francophone countries. The pilot was held in Gauteng, South Africa from 8-12 July 2019 and facilitated by Dr Michel Tshiyoyo.