
Minutes, agendas and other publications related to AMDIN meetings

Agenda of Strategic Planning Workshop Programme and the Executive Committee Meeting, 28-31 March 2022

Venue: Accra, Ghana WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES: Develop a new five-year strategic plan (2022/23-2026/27) for AMDIN Appreciate the process of the Strategic Planning Present the Strategic Plan Review report and Resource Mobilisation Committee report Validate the review and environmental scanning reports Develop strategic themes, objectives, key [...]

2022-03-28T07:51:01+00:0028 March 2022|Meetings|

Communique of the General Assembly held on the 28 – 29 September 2021 hybrid – Portuguese

A 2ª Assembleia Geral da Rede do Instituto Africano de Desenvolvimento de Gestão foi realizada em 28-29 de Setembro de 2021, como uma reunião híbrida.

2021-12-01T11:15:43+00:0025 November 2021|Meetings|

Minutes of the special EXCO meeting held on the 5 August 2021 virtually

Minutes-Special-EXCO-Meeting-5-August-2021Download The Chairperson, Dr Eduardo Chilundo, welcomed all members who attended the meeting virtually. He informed the members that this is a special EXCO to prepare for the AMDIN General Assembly.

2021-11-25T13:58:38+00:0025 November 2021|Meetings|

Minutes of the EXCO meeting held on the 10 June 2021 virtually

Minutes-EXCO-10-June-2021Download The Chairperson, Dr Eduardo Chilundo, welcomed all members who attended the meeting virtually. He informed the members of the EXCO that he received a formal message from Dr Ledwaba regarding her retirement on 30 April 2021. In that communication, Dr Ledwaba indicated that [...]

2021-11-25T13:58:49+00:0025 November 2021|Meetings|

Minutes of the EXCO meeting held on 6 -7 March 2019

Minutes-EXCO-6-to-7-March-2019Download The President of AMDIN, Mr Eduardo Chilundo, opened the meeting by welcoming all the participating members present with special emphasis to the Acting Principal of the NSG, Dr Sipho Manana; the Secretariat and the former ADMIN Secretary General, Prof Richard Levin. He further [...]

2021-11-25T13:46:33+00:0025 November 2021|Meetings|

Minutes of AMDIN and AU Academy held on 18 September 2018 in Ethiopia

Minutes-of-Meeting-between-AMDIN-and-AU-Academy-13-September-2018Download Dr Abdalla welcomed the delegation and introduced herself as the Head of the Academy. She gave a background of the work that she has done before. The delegation of AMDIN introduced themselves to the Head of the AU Leadership Academy. The attendants included [...]

2021-11-25T13:59:27+00:0025 November 2021|Meetings|
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