Surname : First names : Your Email (required) : Tel : Designation :
another member of the organization who will be AMDIN's additional contact:
Name of the organization : Year of establishment : Postal Address of the organisation : Your Email (required) : Tel : *Please include international and national dialing codes
Please tick where appropriate or insert a figure(number)
which of the following describes your organization best?
An integral part of the public service and fully fledged government departmentAn academic or research unit in a universityPublic tertiary institutionAn arms-length agencyCompletely autonomous of government, not-for-profitIndependent from government with a commercial/profiy motifOther
Does the organization have its own training facilities? YesNo
Number of personnel employed(please insert figure): Total Senior management: Teaching staff: Academic support staff: Administrative support staff: Dedicated researchers and policy analysts: Organization development & other consultants: Other (please specify):
Government (%) Donors (%) Own income generating activities (%): Other: (%)(please specify):
Post GraduateDegreeDiplomaShort Certificate
Public sector (%): Private sector (%): Civil society (%):
How many training days did your organization provide in the previous financial year? (please insert figure)
ArabicEnglishFrenchPortugueseSpanish Other (please specify):